You may be thinking that I was too busy last week crying and bitching to notice what you've all been wearing. Think again.
What you missed:
Big hair. [Just so you know I wasn't making it up.]

And no, that isn't Becca Lynch. Her hair has shape to it, and the curls are defined. That's just a hot mess. I should introduce you to my friend, John Frieda. He's a magician.
Karen and Ashten both looked smashing.

Chartreuse - my life's theme color. [The orange shoes are an excellent choice.]
And my life's theme print . . .

Once again, great shoe choice. Black, white and yellow - classic but not tired [ahem . . . . B&W + red? Or pink? Give them a rest. They're weary.]

2Pair went through a blue period. And though you can't see it there was a mysterious brown substance on her seat. One can only speculate as to what it was or how long it had been there. Please ladies, clean clothes. Laundry is free on campus. Lack of quarters is no longer an excuse. [As if it ever was . . .]
Today I didn't see anything too heinous, but I wasn't paying very close attention.
I did see dreadlocks done correctly. I tried to get a photo, but homedog was moving too quickly and it blurred. They were small, even, and clean. While it's still not a hairstyle I favor, I wasn't inclined to vomit.
Karen looked presh again.

Love, love, love long cardigans.
[Please note that she and Ashten have the same shoes.] [Also note that they are completely adorable.]

And Jess proudly gave birth [wearing a shirt she got at Gap for $1! That's right, you don't have to be rich, Ikea lovers.] in the middle of the 'Ho to . . . .

A very beautiful camel leather bag. [From Urban. Of course.]
Let's hope the sun shines tomorrow. I am feeling that a sundress is in order.
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
- Yves Saint Laurent
1 comment:
I'm telling you...NEVER buy anything for full price at Gap. They over-produce and over-price and stuff will eventually go on sale, slashed dramatically. I worked there. I know.
And I like the UO bag. Nice.It's surprising to see a bag from there that has some shape to it.
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