I saw a doll this afternoon. Pink striped sundress, white skimmers, raspberry cardi. Her hair is what made her incredibly adorable. Big blond ringlets all over the place. It was a sweet beginning to a hopefully good weekend.
Also spotted: gray sundress with a printed hem, gold sandals. [There was a photo, but I'm lazy. It's Friday.] Presh, presh, presh.
Before we get to the bad, a friend of mine - Jessica Taylor, who regularly looks fabulous - comes up to me at lunch, wearing a white T and green Sofees - she'd come straight from a work out - and says that as soon as she was walking up to the caf she thought to herself, "Shit, Danielle is going to say I was the worst dressed person today."
That is magic.
Sorry to disappoint, but there was much worse.
I am not for women wearing basketball shorts [unless actually playing basketball or working out, etc]. I think they are among the most defeminizing clothes out there. Say what you will of my beliefs about gender roles, but I'm with Diane Von Furstenburg - "Feel like a woman, wear a dress!" I truly don't know how to feel feminine in a pair of those . . . . things. Call me old fashioned, but I believe in women looking like women.
Girls here wear them all the time [with various sizes of muffin top]. ALL THE TIME. Nothing puts a rage in my heart faster than a pair of basketball shorts, a fitted t-shirt or over-sized hoodie, and unwashed hair.
That being said, there is a girl I have noticed on campus who has decided to make this her uniform. I've also noticed that she only has two pairs of these shorts. That's it, just two. And while I hate the shorts altogether, I'm feeling a bit of a Woody Allen moment here. "The food was terrible, and such small portions."
The whole situation is very disturbing.
Gurkee's. "What the fuck are Gurkee's," you ask. They happen to be fugly-ass, broke-down, janky "Jesus" rope sandals.

Not my Jesus.
My Jesus wears Tom Ford.
I will make a deal with you, Gurkee's fans. I will allow you to wear your ugly ass sandals in peace when you prove to me that you can do the following:
*Feed 5,000 + individuals with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
*Change water into wine [and none of that boxed shit, either]
*Heal the blind and ill with a single touch
*Resurrect both others and yourself from the dead [I'll give you three days to accomplish the latter]
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
-Yves Saint Laurent
Okay. In defense of Gurkees....I think they could be worked. In the right situation. By the right girl.
"In defense of Gurkee's . . . ."
Seriously? I mean . . . . seriously?
Gemma Ward probably couldn't make Gurkee's work. Hell, my icon Agyness probably couldn't make them work. If those aren't the right girls then I don't know who is.
And, praytell, what situation calls for Gurkee's other than an uber low-budget made-for-TV film version of a biblical story?
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