Thursday, September 4, 2008


Successful day! Rejoice!

The Good:

Precious young lady in a vibrant printed top, not exactly a tunic, but close, and cute red patent mary-jane flats.


A very sexy man [who is a good friend of mine] rocking a cerise button down with a black vest and tie. Dark wash jeans, white sneaks. [There is nothing sexier than a good looking guy in a vest.]

Love to both of them.

The Bad:

At least five pairs of Crocs. They irritate the hell out of me. Unless you're working in a hospital those things are completely unacceptable. They are Styrofoam for fuck's sake.

The Ugly:

Ripped jeans. Not carefully destructed, but Eddie Vedder wannabe to the Nth degree destroyed. The girl's ENTIRE upper thigh was visible. As in the hole was so big I could see around her leg. Inside her pants.

If that shit comes back into style I will give up.

Let's hope it never comes to that. I'm lifting up my prayers to Saint Laurent tonight.

Tomorrow I'd like to see a striking color combination. Like a nice grey with a pop of mustard.

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
Yves Saint Laurent

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