He did say that there was a little bit of thought put in to his sweats, at least. I haven't seen him yet.
I'm not going to complain. If anyone has earned a day in lounge-wear, it's that man.
The outside tips are streaming in, and I am love, love, LOVING it!
Jori: "I found something for you.
Granted, it wasn't at SNU, but it certainly was within the mile radius.
Pastel floral sleep pants, pastel floral knit top (min. four sizes too small) with puckered sleeves, one inside out, (what I assumed to be) fluffy slippers whose fluff had long-since expired, and a sassy-phrase t-shirt showing through (along the lines of DRAMA QUEEN! or U wanna?! or something).
It took me several minutes to determine whether or not it was a Grade A romper sighting, the floral prints were so in tune with the shirt.
This was in public, mind you. Not in the annals of Full House sleepwear. Had I been swifter with my camera I might have contributed to your collection."
Too bad about no picture. It sounds like one for the books.
Marcus also decided that he needs to toot his own horn this lovely Friday afternoon.
"We just had class today, so professional-wear was not required. We are having GLORIOUS weather up here in the District, the kind that makes you want to grab a sandwich, some hummus and good book and head to the park. Fantastic. So, I threw this on today and I got a few compliments. And, I have to say without sounding too self-aggrandizing, I think I look pretty casual-spiffy. Enjoy.
Pants--dark green slim cut jeans from Urban
Shoes--double canvase (black AND grey) Converse Chuck Taylors
Shirt--white Ralph Lauren polo (happy birthday to me from you)
sweater--blue with yellow stripes cardigan from Gap"
You do get points. ESPECIALLY for wearing that lovely RL polo I bought for you. One of the greatest gifts ever? Umm, yes.
And double points for photo evidence! Thank you for doing this thing right.
Male cardigans. Yes please!
On campus spottings included a girl named Alex [I think?] wearing a pretty non-descript emo-esque uniform, with . . . . . . a sunflower pin in her hair! My work to bring back flowers as a top fashion accessory is apparently paying off! This is going to be bigger than the time I brought back scarves as head bands.
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
-Yves Saint Laurent
Why do I see these things after I make a post? Like immediately after.
Ok, pink plaid flannel sleep pants worn with a hoodie. Those are pajamas, sweetheart, not casual day-wear.

And this:

Single cuff straight up to the knee.
Yeah. That just happened.
I'm so baffled about that last one I can't even form a sarcastic comment. It's like Kryptonite, I swear.
Danielle, you are just plain awesome :)
You have inspired me to care about what I wear on campus. I'm going shopping tomorrow for school clothes, lol. Thanks for the inspiration!
Hahaha! I'm glad you feel inspired!
Don't spend too much money. I'm not advocating careless spending, here. [Though I'm sure our economy could use every penny.]
I just like people to look like they care. You can't dress like that to work, and I think we all need to get in the habit of being presentable.
Score. I made it on the Wasteland. I can die now. I'm going to see Religulous tonight, so I'll let you know if I see any inexcusable wardrobe malfunctions.
Please do. And let me know how Religulous is. I want to see it.
I am either going to Art Walk, or having a SATC night with Jess, so I won't be seeing it tonight.
The last one is hilarious, SOO creepy! :D
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