Midterm work + fall break + a strange bout of exhaustion has been keeping me from posting. I apologize.
Wednesday before fall break [I realize this is extremely tardy] I spotted a denim bucket hat. I couldn't get a good shot since the wearer was too many rows ahead of me in chapel. Suffice it to say that she resembled a 90s TV teenager some of you may remember. . . .

2Pair will hence be named 3Pair. Lady apparently went to Wal-Mart and scored herself a pair of black basket-ball shorts. [Her equivalent of an LBD, mayhaps?] I suppose I could give props for wardrobe expansion, but I'm not going to. I'll break down and give kudos when she wears jeans.
Today marked the first legitimately cold day of Fall! I am ecstatic!
However, I still don't think that hoodies are acceptable outerwear all of the time. I realize that for some of you it is your element, [Mr. gray hoodie, vintage denim, flip flops, I'm talking to you] but I don't believe it would kill you good folks to invest in a wool peacoat. [I believe they're better protection from the elements anyway. Hoodies don't really cut it when it's snowing.] Or a "leather" bomber jacket. [Cori Fouts, yours was totes adorbs, BT Dubs.] Or layer a sweater underneath a blazer. [It can look very Ivy League when done right.]
I also realize that we are on our way into wellie season. No one likes cold, wet feet. I understand this completely. I beg you, if you wear wellies, please wear them well. Pretty please. Today I saw no less than ten ladies walking around with their jeans bunched up at the top of their boots. NOT cute.
So. Quick tutorial concerning wellies.
*Wear with wide-legged capris.
*Cuff jeans over the top.
*Bunch jeans over the top.
*Wear with nothing but a mini-skirt on bottom. [Good rule of thumb: if it's cold enough to warrant a jacket and a lack of flip flops, it's too cold for bare legs.]
*Wear with fitted jeans tucked inside.
*Pair with skirts/dresses and tights.






Bottom yes, top no:

NO! NO! NO!:


This winter I'm looking for some lovely knits, jewel tones, structured outerwear, and fashion-forward yet functional footwear. Please make me proud, children.
Personal pics and further update later. Inspiration competition photo tomorrow. For those of you who saw my jacket today, you get a head start.
"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
- Yves Saint Laurent
I was proud of myself today. I think you would have been, too.
But alas, I haven't seen much of Danielle lately!
(BT dubs...my word was "tuanis.")
I skipped work today (I know, I know...but I didn't feel well), but I was feeling more or less chipper by the afternoon. So I got to go casual today. Like Shane, I'm somewhat proud of myself today.
(And some dude told me I had "great style" yesterday. I'd be more flattered if the compliment giver wasn't a total clueless fuck when it came to style. But still...)
And my word is doeba. Who is Eba?
Oh...I forgot.
Blossom! I love her.
Hurry! I have missed your point of view!
Eba. From The Small House of Uncle Thomas. "Blessed little Eba!"
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