Good afternoon, children!
And good afternoon to our new friend, Meg.
So, some housecleaning matters. A bit of ridiculousness has occurred in the comments of the last post, which I feel must be addressed.
"Honey- I find it amusing that you pass fashion judgment on other people when you are kind of a scrub yourself. Isn't irony a scream?"
"mlp- I am a junior and have never heard of you let alone seen you, but from the look of your picture you should not be passing judgment either. If fashion is a taste issue you have bad taste. You look like a little jerk who thinks he is a bad ass but doesn't have the balls to actually be one. And I am not being a coward. That is my real profile. I just don't have a blog. That is all. Go ahead and call me a bitch. Doesn't hurt my feelings.
Ashley Nicole- I have seen you and your pretty little face on campus with your nose in the air. You dress like you're from a cliche teen movie. Very "nice and put together" Boring. And I'm sorry if my comment was "quite rude" Life isn't always nice honey. But I guess a little white girl from suburbia like you hasn't experienced a bad day in your life. Except when you didn't get elected Homecoming Queen maybe..."
"mlp- I find it quite comical that you are getting so defensive about me insulting your style when you are apparently a fan of this blog. And you sure got pissey when I gave a little dig to Miss Ashley Nicole. Wish you were fucking the RA Princess?"
All these lovely little gems were provided by Meg.
I don't even know where to begin to diffuse some of this anger. So, I suppose I'll attempt an open letter of sorts.
I wish I knew who you were, Meg. I get the feeling that if you knew me, and my best friends, for that matter, you wouldn't have such hostile things to say.
Let me start by saying that I have already made it quite clear that the purpose of this blog is not to pass judgment on individuals, and that this is certainly not the place for outright bitchiness.
Do you even read the blog? I never make comments about average looking people. All of my problems with SNU's lack of fashion stem from students looking like they haven't showered, or those individuals who perpetually wear work-out gear everywhere.
As for being a "scrub": [thanks for that flashback to 1999, BT Dubs. Been listening to FanMail, have we?] I have never made a claim to be the epitome of style. In fact, I've only mentioned myself once on the blog, and even then solely as part of a cultural experiment. While I do know what I am talking about, [I refuse to be humble in this] I know that I don't dress the part of a fashionista. I'm a jeans, tee, cardi, madras mini-wedge kind of gal. And that's ok. I have no issue with average, everyday, [laundered] casual wear. I don't even have a big problem with hoodies, so long as they are clean.
This blog has never been about passing judgment on people. It's purpose is to provide a slightly biting, sarcastic kick in the pants for the individuals who need a little push to get out of their sweat pants. [I doubt many of them read this, anyway. I'm not seeking a large readership or campus renown.] Why? Because I believe the students of SNU are better than that. I want the world to take my fellow students seriously in life, because they are [at large] intelligent, talented, kind individuals who deserve to be successful.
Sadly, success in the world is very much impacted by appearances. I work as the personal assistant for the CEO for a small oil company while at home, and I can't tell you how many job applicants are immediately turned down because of their looks.
I have never once said anything to intentionally hurt someone's feelings. That is not my goal, and it is not who I am. Let me say now, if anyone is truly hurt by something I have written, I urge them to come to me with their concerns.
If you have a problem with me or my comments, Meg, that is completely fine. Next time, please take them up with me in person like an adult. I assume you've seen me around, judging by the forward nature of your comments. I'd appreciate if you would keep your hostility toward any other individual, whether a close friend of mine or not, to yourself.
As for the rest of you dears who read this page, there will be no new updates until Oscar night.
I have some lovely photos from the lecture I attended at OU earlier this week, but I'm in no mood for posting them now. I guess you can thank your colleague for that.
Posting may halt entirely for the semester, due to my involvement with music department's effort to keep Jim Graves on staff. I'll keep everyone posted.
"But wait, Danielle! How very unlike you to let those mean comments about Ashley go unaddressed," you say. Like I said earlier, this isn't the place for that. Visit the Bitchery in a little while. I'm sure I'll find plenty to say there.
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."
- Audrey Hepburn
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I look forward to the Oscar update, but am saddened by the possibility of you not updating after that. But it's for a good cause, so I can't complain too loudly.
(As for the other matter, I think I've said enough.)
Yeah. I'm a bit saddened too. It probably would have happened anyway, with the amount of writing I have to do this semester.
As for helping out the the Graves effort, I think I can be a great help. I'm good at organizing people and events, and I think it's beneficial to have someone outside of the department helping to organize things. Not only can I provide a more objective view of the situation, but an outsider's help will keep music students from butting heads with each other. Not to mention I've got connections all over this campus, and know how this place works, both of which are huge assets. We'll see if anything Ashten and I plan helps. I'm choosing not to get my hopes too high. The cuts were made objectively, and are necessary due to the school's lack of money. Not much can be done to change that, but one can, at the very least, try.
No more updates from Dani? I for one will miss your posts that a grand total of four people read. Oh and thanks for introducing me to "The Bitchery." I have not been that entertained in a while. Though may I suggest a name change? How about "Psychiatric Sessions of a Raving Lunatic?"
would you consider yourself one of those four readers?
as far as i know, there's not really a way of telling how many are reading a particular blog.
i, along with a number of friends and acquaintances, regularly read and enjoy the entries. they are well-written and funny to boot. it will be missed!
question: since you take classes at OU, pleeeease tell me you have seen and were disgusted by the sorority girl hair bow trend? not to be mistaken for blair waldorf-ish bow headbands/accessories, etc. that were in season and done well, but the hair bows that are glued onto those metal clasp things that have to be squeezed on the side to pop open. and they are placed amidst an array of highlights and perfectly straightened hair...kind of plopped on the side of their heads. oh and usually paired with soffe shorts and t shirts. would be thrilling to see a post about these. i saw a large amount of them while visiting friends at osu last semester. they have the power to induce vomiting.
If people knew what they were talking about before they opened their mouths the world would be a better place... just sayin'
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