Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Coming soon . . .

Evening, kids.

I just submitted a column to the Echo regarding my love of the Oscars. You should pick it up, if you feel so compelled.

Also, I promise the Oscar photos and commentary are coming. [Michelle, I promise that is not an empty promise. That one isn't either.]

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
Yves Saint Laurent

1 comment:

Meg said...

Oh yes. I am about to piss my pants I'm so excited for this Oscar post! Ahhh the Oscars we got to watch a bunch of anorexic celebrities strut around in dresses that cost so much they could feed a third world country for a year. Yes. Those out-of-touch with reality people are certaintly to be admired. Wish you were like them Dani?