Monday, April 13, 2009

. . . . Nice panties, little lady.

Just a quickie. It's better than nothing, no?

Welcome back to 3-pair. It was nice to see you in your black basketball shorts. I guess it is officially springtime now that you've busted out those bad boys.

Note to whomever used dryer 5 before me - you have Minnie Mouse panties. And yes, you have been judged. Harshly. [On a small tangent - communal laundry is one of the most disgusting things EVER.]

It must be a Disney kind of day because there was a young lady wearing a Mickey hoodie earlier this afternoon. Honey child, where in the world were your monogrammed mouseketeer ears?

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
Yves Saint Laurent


Marcus Powers said...

Hey now. I own a pair of Iron Man underwear from H&M.

Dani said...

Well. You have also been judged.