Monday, April 13, 2009

. . . . Nice panties, little lady.

Just a quickie. It's better than nothing, no?

Welcome back to 3-pair. It was nice to see you in your black basketball shorts. I guess it is officially springtime now that you've busted out those bad boys.

Note to whomever used dryer 5 before me - you have Minnie Mouse panties. And yes, you have been judged. Harshly. [On a small tangent - communal laundry is one of the most disgusting things EVER.]

It must be a Disney kind of day because there was a young lady wearing a Mickey hoodie earlier this afternoon. Honey child, where in the world were your monogrammed mouseketeer ears?

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
Yves Saint Laurent

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sweet summer

It's coming. Can you feel it?

The heat is just fantastic. It means the semester is almost over. It also means we can ditch those big coats and boots for [hopefully] something a little more aesthetically pleasing.

The bright colors are coming out, and for the most part I approve.

Except for Future Boozy Soccer-Mom Barbie, whom I spotted the other day.

Bright purple track pants, hot pink zip-up track jacket, matching hot pink sneakers, matching hot pink bowling-bag style handbag complete with peace sign bedazzling.

Quit buying your clothes from the House of Mattel. M'kay, pumpkin?

"Fashions fade, style is eternal."
Yves Saint Laurent